Mindfulness as a New Year's Resolution!

The Benefits of Having Mindfulness as a New Year's Resolution, and How to Get Started
What is mindfulness and why should you make it your new year's resolution?
Mindfulness is being present in the moment and focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is an ancient practice, gaining more popularity every day due to its proven mental and physical health benefits.
As we enter the new year, it's rewarding to take some time to self-reflect and focus on what we can do to improve our lives- and making mindfulness a part of your daily routine is one way to do this. Not only will it help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, but it can also help reduce stress and create positive changes in your life.
Seven easy-to-maintain tips on how to start practicing mindfulness and stick with it:
By practicing a mindful lifestyle, you will start appreciating moments instead of rushing through them to get somewhere else. But first, how should you approach these new habits, and how do you stick with them?
The key to start is to form mindful habits that are easy to maintain in your lifestyle and try out different methods and strategies to find your flow.
Here are five easy and sustainable tips to make mindful living a part of your daily routine:
1. Practice body awareness- Take a few minutes and stay in bed a little longer to scan your body and see how you feel right after waking up.
2. Sense every sensation- use your senses to experience and cherish every moment; Taste the coffee you drink in the morning, light up a candle and notice the aroma, and listen to the sound of raindrops falling on your umbrella. Notice what is happening and enjoy the moment.
3. Observe your breathing- Put your right hand on your heart and your left hand on your stomach, then start breathing slowly through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Feel the Oxygen filling in your lungs and sense the feeling of letting it out of your body.
4. Be present in the presence of others. Try to be 100% at the moment when listening to someone or watching a movie with them. Enjoy the time you spend with others and make every second count.
5. Practice mindful eating- pay close attention to what you eat and how every bite of that food makes you feel. Savour every bite and promote a complete eating experience.
6. Take time each day for yourself - make sure you take at least 10 minutes out of each day for yourself to relax and reflect.
7. Find mindful exercises that work for you and commit to them- whether it is yoga, meditation, or something different; find something that resonates with you so that it becomes easier to stick with.
The benefits of mindful living and how it can improve your daily life:
After days and months of practicing mindfulness, you will still get stuck in traffic, your cat might chew your plant, and you will lose a button. Nothing will change- yet everything will change from within. Mindful living is about being present in the moment and aware of our thoughts and feelings. Mindful living can lead to improved mental clarity, better decision-making, increased productivity and creativity, improved relationships, reduced stress levels, and enhanced enjoyment of life. Practicing it can be a great way to enhance your daily life by helping you stay focused on the present moment and make conscious decisions that align with your values.
Last words- a conclusion on mindfulness and how it will change your life!
Mindfulness is a state of awareness and attention to the present moment. It is an open, accepting and non-judgmental attitude towards your thoughts, feelings, body sensations and external or internal experiences.
Mindfulness is not about trying to control your thoughts or feelings. It is about acknowledging them and then letting them go.
People must realize that this awareness is not a one-time thing, and you should practice it as a lifestyle. Making mindfulness your New Year's resolution can help you achieve greater self-awareness, increase focus and clarity, improve relationships with yourself and others, and create an overall sense of well-being. By committing to mindfulness this year, you could make long-lasting changes. Keep a journal of your day-to-day mindfulness journey and keep moving forward at your own pace. Soon enough, mindfulness will become a part of your routine, and your life will change forever!